回复 :Duccio Tessari's rare Giallo starring Helmut Berger, Giancarlo Sbragia, Evelyn Stewart, Silvano Tranquilli & Carole Andre. A young student is murdered in a park by an unseen assailant during a heavy thunderstorm. The murderer makes his escape, but is identified by a number of people at the park exit. A sports presenter from a local TV channel, Alessandro Marchi, is quickly arrested, and despite protestations of innocence, is charged with the murder.Marchi calls his lawyer, who promises to have him released very soon, but when it comes to the trial the lawyers case is a weak one, full of holes, and Marchi is duly found guilty.All is not what it seems and it soon becomes apparent that the lawyer is having an affair with Marchi's wife and obviously does not have Marchi's best interests at heart…
回复 :三百年来,一把红色小提琴在数个国家流浪,与数人的命运紧紧相牵。仿佛有某种魔咒,让人们为这把琴疯狂着迷。小提琴的制造者,是十七世纪意大利的乐器大师(卡路•施齐Carlo Cecchi 饰 )。妻儿死去,难抑悲伤的他,把爱人的血涂在小提琴上,从此琴就辗转流落到了奥地利。一个练琴的小男孩为了这把琴痴迷,直至倒落在舞台上。小提琴的流浪从未间断,从盗墓者,到吉普赛人,到为之自杀的作曲家波普,再到文革期间上海的一位音乐老师。这期间,无论拥有者是否明白小提琴真正价值,都逃不出它的魔力。终于,有鉴别专家知道了小提琴的秘密——它的外壳染着三个世纪前一位大师的血和泪。
回复 :主人公仁藤俊美是一流大学毕业的银行精英,有着幸福美满的家庭。在某日下午,他以“想要有地方放书”为由,突然杀害了妻子和女儿。随着庭审的进行,仁藤不为人知的过去逐渐被揭开……